The drafting of a good quality Project usually passes through several stages, of which, contrary to what one might think, the “drawing” is the last. In fact, the drawing represents the final point of arrival, and serves to clearly establish all the fundamental points of the intervention.
However, before doing so we almost always have to analyse a series of aspects, some of which are more practical (type of structure, materials to be used, shape of the land, cost of the work…) and others more related to building and town planning regulations (landscape restrictions, distances to be respected, maximum permitted heights, minimum surface area of the premises…).
This preliminary study is important: it will help us to reduce unforeseen events during the construction phase, speed up the time required and keep costs down. In addition, it will make it clear to both us and the contractor what we want to achieve.
Only when we have defined the “overall picture” will we be able to present our final project to the Municipality, whose approval will allow us to start our works.
The Works Director is the technical figure in charge of checking that the construction is carried out exactly as planned.
He also has to plan site operations, check that no problems arise during construction and if necessary propose changes to the original Project.
At the end of the works, the Works Director will also fill in the Declaration of Completion of Works, and proceed to the Acceptance of the Works.